Welcom to Quantum Optics Group @Kyoto Univ.
Our group investigates the behavior of quantum degenerate gases using ultra cold atoms. We can make quantum degenerate gases with various lasers and sophisticated experimental methods.

Welcom to Quantum Optics Group @Kyoto Univ.
Our group investigates the behavior of quantum degenerate gases using ultra cold atoms. We can make quantum degenerate gases with various lasers and sophisticated experimental methods.

Welcom to Quantum Optics Group @Kyoto Univ.
Our group investigates the behavior of quantum degenerate gases using ultra cold atoms. We can make quantum degenerate gases with various lasers and sophisticated experimental methods.

Welcom to Quantum Optics Group @Kyoto Univ.
Our group investigates the behavior of quantum degenerate gases using ultra cold atoms. We can make quantum degenerate gases with various lasers and sophisticated experimental methods.

Welcom to Quantum Optics Group @Kyoto Univ.
Our group investigates the behavior of quantum degenerate gases using ultra cold atoms. We can make quantum degenerate gases with various lasers and sophisticated experimental methods.

News and History


Our recent research on "Exploring the strongly interacting regime of effective multibody interactions in a trapped ultracold-atom system" was selected as an Editors' Suggestion in Physical Review A.


Riki Toshio (FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.) will give a seminar on STAR architecture at our laboratory on February 28, 2025 (Friday).
Application (deadline:2/27(Thr.)) → Please contact Kusano in our laboratory.


Our recent research on "Development of a High-power Ultraviolet Laser System and Observation of Fast Coherent Rydberg Excitation of Ytterbium" was introduced in JPS Hot Topics.


Taiki Ishiyama will be speaking at "The 1st e-Wise Cafe in 2024" held on January 23, 2025 (Thursday).
The detail of the lecture → here