Our recent research on "Exploring the strongly interacting regime of effective multibody interactions in a trapped ultracold-atom system" was selected as an Editors' Suggestion in Physical Review A.
Riki Toshio (FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.) will give a seminar on STAR architecture at our laboratory on February 28, 2025 (Friday).
Application (deadline:2/27(Thr.)) → Please contact Kusano in our laboratory.
Our recent research on "Development of a High-power Ultraviolet Laser System and Observation of Fast Coherent Rydberg Excitation of Ytterbium" was introduced in JPS Hot Topics.
Taiki Ishiyama will be speaking at "The 1st e-Wise Cafe in 2024" held on January 23, 2025 (Thursday).
The detail of the lecture → here
Our recent research on "Development of a High-power Ultraviolet Laser System and Observation of Fast Coherent Rydberg Excitation of Ytterbium" was posted as Papers of Editors' Choice.
Open position for Program-Specific Associate Professor or Program-Specific Assistant Professor→Link
Our recent research on "Hybrid Atom Tweezer Array of Nuclear Spin and Optical Clock Qubits" was introduced in the Nikkei.
Koki Ono won the 19th Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan(Division 1).
Taiki Ishiyama won Best Research Presenter Award in 2023 Outstanding Graduate Research Grant for Advanced Photonic and Electronic Device Creation Outcomes Reporting Meeting.
We are currently recruiting for a postdoctoral position (theory) at the Ryuji Takagi Laboratory at the University of Tokyo for the JST-CREST project related to our laboratory →Link
Kantaro Honda won Student Presentation Award of Physical Society of Japan.
Taiki Ishiyama and Yuki Haruna won Student Presentation Award of Physical Society of Japan.
Ayaki Sunaga won the 7th Kenichi Fukui Incentive Award.
Yuki Haruna won the ANPhA (Asian Nuclear Physics Association) Award on CLUSHIQ2022.
Our recent research on "Observation of Nonlinearity of Generalized King Plot in the Search for New Boson" was selected as a Featured in Physics in Phys. Rev. X.
Our recent research on "Observation of antiferromagnetic correlations in an ultracold SU(N) Hubbard model"was introduced in News & Views. New Scientist magazine also introduced our research in a recent article .
Our recent research on "High-resolution Spectroscopy and Single-photon Rydberg Excitation of Reconfigurable Ytterbium Atom Tweezer Arrays Utilizing a Metastable State" was introduced in JPS Hot Topics.
Kantaro Honda won the Presentation Award of summer school of condensed matter physics for young students.
Yuma Nakamura won Student Presentation Award of Physical Society of Japan.
Open position for Program-Specific Associate Professor or Program-Specific Assistant Professor→Link
Our recent research on "PT-symmetric non-Hermitian quantum many-body system using ultracold atoms in an optical lattice with controlled dissipation" was introduced in JPS Hot Topics.
Dr. Shitaro Taie got promoted to an assisitant professor.
Prof. Yoshiro Takahashi awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon.
Dr. Yosuke Takasu got promoted to an associate professor.
Updated "Research"
We would like to express our deep regret at emeritus professor Tsutomu Yabuzaki's passing on April 10th. 2020.
Open position for Associate Professor or Senior Lecuturer→Link
New members join us.
We welcomed Abhilash Kumar Jha from Cochin University of Science and Technology.
Koki Ono won Student Presentation Award of Physical Society of Japan.
We welcomed Ilian Despard from University of Strathclyde.
We welcomed Vikram Ramesh from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. He will stay untill early July.
We welcomed Phillip Lunt from the University of southern Denmark. He will stay untill the end of June.
New members join us.
Our recent research on "Experimental realization of ultracold Yb-7Li mixtures in mixed dimensions" was selected as an editor's suggestion in Phys. Rev. A.
Shintaro Taie won the 13th Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan.
Seiji Sugawa transferred to the institute for molecular science.
Jongchul Mun from KRISS, Korea visited our group.
Nobuyuki Takei joined our group as a program-specific associate professor.
Hideki Ozawa won the best poster award at ImPACT未来開拓研究会2018 by the study in our group.
Our recent research on "Spin dependent inelastic collisions between metastable state two-electron atoms and ground state alkali-atoms" was selected as the New Journal Physics "Highlights of 2017" collection.
New members join us.
Our recent research on "Beyond-Born-Oppenheimer effects in sub-kHz-precision photoassociation spectroscopy of ytterbium atoms" was selected as an editor's suggestion in Phys. Rev. A.
Our recent research on "Magnetoassociation of a Feshbach molecule and spin-orbit interaction between the ground and electronically excited states" was selected as an editor's suggestion in Phys. Rev. A.
New members join us.
Takafumi Tomita won The 5th Student Presentation Award of the JPS.
Shuta Nakajima won The 11th JPS Young Scientist Award.
Takafumi Tomita won the Student Poster Award on ICAP2016.
New members join us.
Our recent research on "An ytterbium quantum gas microscope with narrow-line laser cooling"
was highlighted by Perspectives on New Journal of Physics.
"Quantum gas microscopy of ytterbium: cool me twice", New J. Phys. 18, 031001
Our recent research on Topological Thouless pumping of ultracold fermions
was highlighted by news & views on Nature Physics.
"Ultracold atoms: A topological charge pump", Nature Physics, online (2016)
New members join us.
Dr. Seiji Sugawa (now PD at NIST) won The 9th JPS Young Scientist Award "for the study on the novel strongly correlated quantum phases in an optical lattice"!
Hideki Ozawa won The 3rd Student Presentation Award of the JPS.
New members join us.
Professor Takahashi won Nishina Memorial Prize in 2013.
Ryuta Yamamoto won The 2nd Student Presentation Award of the JPS.
Dr. Ryotaro Inoue (ex-PD, now an assistant professor at TITEC) won Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan by the study in our group.
A new member joins us.
New members join us.
Professor Takahashi won The 16th Takuma Hiroshi Memorial Prize.
Dr. Takeshi Fukuhara (ex-member, now a postdoc at MPQ) won Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan by the study in our group.
Kosuke Shibata won The 1st Student Presentation Award of the JPS.
Our recent research on an SU(6) Mott insulator of an atomic Fermi gas
was highlighted by news & views on Nature Physics.
"Quantum gases: Mott made easy", Nature Physics 8, 784 (2012).
New Members came to Our Lab.
Prof. Takahashi won APS Fellow.
Assistant Prof. Yoshikawa won Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan.
Dr. Katsunari Enomoto (ex-member, now an associate professor at Toyama University) won Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan by the study in our group.
Our recent research on dual Mott insulator system of bosons and fermions
was highlighted by news & views on Nature Physics.
"An insulating mix", Nature Physics 7, 593 (2011).
Our Research was Introduced in Physics of APS .
New Members came to Our Lab.
Our Research was Introduced in Viewpoint of APS.
Assistant Prof. Takasu won Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan.
PD Rekishu Yamazaki won the Best Poster Prize in Summer School.
Our Research was Introduced in Physics of APS .
New Members came to Our Lab.
New English Page is Opened.
Our Research was Introduced in Physics of APS .
New Members came to Our Lab.
Prof. Takahashi won Ryogo Kubo Memorial Prize.