"Three-body forces and Efimov physics in nuclei and atoms"
Shimpei Endo, Evgeny Epelbaum, Pascal Naidon, Yusuke Nishida, Kimiko Sekiguchi, and Yoshiro Takahashi
Eur. Phys. J. A 61, 9 (2025.01.22)
"Development of a High-power Ultraviolet Laser System and Observation of Fast Coherent Rydberg Excitation of Ytterbium"
Yuma Nakamura, Naoya Ozawa, Toshi Kusano, Rei Yokoyama, Kosuke Shibata, Tetsushi Takano, Yosuke Takasu, and Yoshiro Takahashi
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 94, 014301 (2024.12.20)
"Hybrid Atom Tweezer Array of Nuclear Spin and Optical Clock Qubits"
Yuma Nakamura, Toshi Kusano, Rei Yokoyama, Keito Saito, Koichiro Higashi, Naoya Ozawa, Tetsushi Takano, Yosuke Takasu, and Yoshiro Takahashi
Phys. Rev. X. 14, 041062 (2024.12.10)
"Measuring the nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment of optically trapped ytterbium atoms in the metastable state"
Ayaki Sunaga, Yuiki Takahashi, Amar Vutha and Yoshiro Takahashi
New J. Phys. 26, 023023 (2024.2.13)
"Observation of the Sign Reversal of the Magnetic Correlation in a Driven-Dissipative Fermi Gas in Double Wells"
Kantaro Honda, Shintaro Taie, Yosuke Takasu, Naoki Nishizawa, Masaya Nakagawa, and Yoshiro Takahashi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 063001 (2023.2.9)
"Observation of antiferromagnetic correlations in an ultracold SU(N) Hubbard model"
Shintaro Taie, Eduardo Ibarra-Garcia-Padilla, Naoki Nishizawa, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshihito Kuno, Hao-Tian Wei, Richard T. Scalettar, Kaden R. A. Hazzard, and Yoshiro Takahashi
Nat. Phys. 18,1356-1361(2022.9.1)
"High-resolution Spectroscopy and Single-photon Rydberg Excitation of Reconfigurable Ytterbium Atom Tweezer Arrays Utilizing a Metastable State"
Daichi Okuno, Yuma Nakamura, Toshi Kusano, Yosuke Takasu, Nobuyuki Takei, Hideki Konishi, and Yoshiro Takahashi
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 91, 084301 (2022.7.4)
"Observation of Nonlinearity of Generalized King Plot in the Search for New Boson"
Koki Ono, Yugo Saito, Taiki Ishiyama, Toshiya Higomoto, Tetsushi Takano, Yosuke Takasu, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Minoru Tanaka, and Yoshiro Takahashi
Phys. Rev. X 12, 021033 (2022.5.10)
"Observation of spin-space quantum transport induced by an atomic quantum point contact"
Koki Ono, Toshiya Higomoto, Yugo Saito, Shun Uchino, Yusuke Nishida, and Yoshiro Takahashi
Nat. Commun. 12, 6724 (2021.11.18)
"Universal thermodynamics of an SU(N) Fermi-Hubbard model"
Eduardo Ibarra-Garcia-Padilla, Sohail Dasgupta, Hao-Tian Wei, Shintaro Taie, Yoshiro Takahashi, Richard T. Scalettar, and Kaden R. A. Hazzard
Phys. Rev. A 104, 043316 (2021.10.21)
"Free-bound excitation and predissociation of ytterbium dimers near the 1S0-1P1 atomic transition"
Katsunari Enomoto, Ryota Takabatake, Takehiro Suzuki, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi, and Masaaki Baba
Phys. Rev. A 104, 013118 (2021.7.30)
"Competition and interplay between topology and quasi-periodic disorder in Thouless pumping of ultracold atoms"
Shuta Nakajima, Nobuyuki Takei, Keita Sakuma, Yoshihito Kuno, Pasquale Marra and Yoshiro Takahashi
Nat. Phys. 17, 844-849 (2021.4.29)
"Observation of spin-exchange dynamics between itinerant and localized 171Yb atoms"
Koki Ono, Yoshiki Amano, Toshiya Higomoto, Yugo Saito, and Yoshiro Takahashi
Phys. Rev. A 103, L041303 (2021.4.28)
"Flat-band-induced non-Fermi-liquid behavior of multicomponent fermions"
Pramod Kumar, Sebastiano Peotta, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi, and Päivi Törmä
Phys. Rev. A 103, L031301 (2021.3.3)
"Energy redistribution and spatiotemporal evolution of correlations after a sudden quench of the Bose-Hubbard model"
Yosuke Takasu, Tomoya Yagami, Hiroto Asaka, Yoshiaki Fukushima, Kazuma Nagao, Shimpei Goto, Ippei Danshita and Yoshiro Takahashi
Sci. Adv. 6, eaba9255 (2020.9.30)
"PT-symmetric non-Hermitian quantum many-body system using ultracold atoms in an optical lattice with controlled dissipation"
Yosuke Takasu, Tomoya Yagami, Yuto Ashida, Ryusuke Hamazaki, Yoshihito Kuno and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"Tools for quantum simulation with ultracold atoms in optical lattices"
Florian Schäfer, Takeshi Fukuhara, Seiji Sugawa, Yosuke Takasu and Yoshiro Takahashi
Nat. Rev. Phys. 2, 411 (2020.7.1)
"Suppression and control of prethermalization in multicomponent Fermi gases following a quantum quench"
Chen-How Huang, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi, and Miguel A. Cazalilla
Phys. Rev. A 101, 053620 (2020.5.12)
"Schemes for nondestructive quantum gas microscopy of single atoms in an optical lattice"
Daichi Okuno, Yoshiki Amano, Katsunari Enomoto, Nobuyuki Takei and Yoshiro Takahashi
New J. Phys. 22, 013041 (2020.1.23)
"Spatial adiabatic passage of massive quantum particles in an optical Lieb lattice"
Shintaro Taie, Tomohiro Ichinose, Hideki Ozawa and Yoshiro Takahashi
Nat. Commun. 11, 257 (2020.1.17)
"Weakly bound molecules as sensors of new gravitylike forces"
Mateusz Borkowski, Alexei A. Buchachenko, Roman Ciurylo, Paul S. Julienne, Hirotaka Yamada, Yuu Kikuchi, Yosuke Takasu and Yoshiro Takahashi
Sci. Rep. 9, 14807 (2019.10.15)
"Current-feedback-stabilized laser system for quantum simulation experiments
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Y. Takata, S. Nakajima, J. Kobayashi, K. Ono, Y. Amano, and Y. Takahashi
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"Measurement of the variation of electron-to-proton mass ratio using ultracold molecules produced from laser-cooled atoms"
J. Kobayashi, A. Ogino and S. Inouye
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"Antiferromagnetic interorbital spin-exchange interaction of 171Yb"
Koki Ono, Jun Kobayashi, Yoshiki Amano, Koji Sato, and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"Experimental determination of Bose-Hubbard energies"
Yusuke Nakamura, Yosuke Takasu, Jun Kobayashi, Hiroto Asaka, Yoshiaki Fukushima, Kensuke Inaba, Makoto Yamashita, and Yoshiro Takahashi
Phys. Rev. A 99, 033609 (2019.3.12)
"Semiclassical quench dynamics of Bose gases in optical lattices"
Kazuma Nagao, Masaya Kunimi, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi, and Ippei Danshita
Phys. Rev. A 99, 023622 (2019.2.20)
"Experimental realization of ultracold Yb-7Li mixtures in mixed dimensions"
Florian Schäfer, Naoto Mizukami, Phelan Yu, Shun Koibuchi, Adrien Bouscal, and Yoshiro Takahashi
Phys. Rev. A 98, 051602(R) (2018.11.19)
"Generalized lattice Wilson-Dirac fermions in (1+1) dimensions for atomic quantum simulation and topological phases"
Yoshihito Kuno, Ikuo Ichinose and Yoshiro Takahashi
Sci. Rep. 8, 10699 (2018.7.16)
"Response of the Higgs amplitude mode of superfluid Bose gases in a three-dimensional optical lattice"
Kazuma Nagao, Yoshiro Takahashi, and Ippei Danshita
Phys. Rev. A 97, 043628 (2018.4.25)
"Observation of the Mott insulator to superfluid crossover of a driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard system"
Takafumi Tomita, Shuta Nakajima, Ippei Danshita, Yosuke Takasu and Yoshiro Takahashi
Sci. Adv. 3, e1701513 (2017.12.22)
"Various topological Mott insulators and topological bulk charge pumping in strongly-interacting boson system in one-dimensional superlattice"
Yoshihito Kuno, Keita Shimizu and Ikuo Ichinose
New J. Phys. 19, 123025 (2017.12.8)
"Beyond-Born-Oppenheimer effects in sub-kHz-precision photoassociation spectroscopy of ytterbium atoms"
Mateusz Borkowski, Alexei A. Buchachenko, Roman Ciuryło, Paul S. Julienne, Hirotaka Yamada, Yuu Kikuchi, Kakeru Takahashi, Yosuke Takasu, and Yoshiro Takahashi
Phys. Rev. A 96, 063405 (2017.12.6)
"Spin dependent inelastic collisions between metastable state two-electron atoms and ground state alkali-atoms"
Florian Schäfer, Hideki Konishi, Adrien Bouscal, Tomoya Yagami, Yoshiro Takahashi
New J. Phys. 19, 103039 (2017.11.1)
"Spectroscopic determination of magnetic-field-dependent interactions in an ultracold Yb(3P2)-Li mixture"
Florian Schäfer, Hideki Konishi, Adrien Bouscal, Tomoya Yagami, Yoshiro Takahashi
Phys. Rev. A 96, 032711 (2017.9.18)
"Site-resolved imaging of single atoms with a Faraday quantum gas microscope"
Ryuta Yamamoto, Jun Kobayashi, Kohei Kato, Takuma Kuno, Yuto Sakura, and Yoshiro Takahashi
Phys. Rev. A 96, 033610 (2017.9.8)
"Magnetoassociation of a Feshbach molecule and spin-orbit interaction between the ground and electronically excited states"
Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiaki Fukushima, Yusuke Nakamura, and Yoshiro Takahashi
Phys. Rev. A 96, 023602 (2017.8.1)
"Collisional stability of localized Yb(3P2) atoms immersed in a Fermi sea of Li"
Hideki Konishi, Florian Schäfer, Shinya Ueda, and Yoshiro Takahashi
New J. Phys. 18, 103009 (2016.10.7)
"Laser spectroscopic probing of coexisting superfluid and insulating states of an atomic Bose-Hubbard system"
Shinya Kato, Kensuke Inaba, Seiji Sugawa, Kosuke Shibata, Ryuta Yamamoto, Makoto Yamashita and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"An ytterbium quantum gas microscope with narrow-line laser cooling"
Ryuta Yamamoto, Jun Kobayashi, Takuma Kuno, Kohei Kato and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"Feshbach-Resonance-Enhanced Coherent Atom-Molecule Conversion with Ultranarrow Photoassociation Resonance"
Shintaro Taie, Shunsuke Watanabe, Tomohiro Ichinose and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"Topological Thouless pumping of ultracold fermions"
Shuta Nakajima, Takafumi Tomita, Shintaro Taie, Tomohiro Ichinose, Hideki Ozawa, Lei Wang, Matthias Troyer and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"Coherent driving and freezing of bosonic matter wave in an optical Lieb lattice"
Shintaro Taie, Hideki Ozawa, Tomohiro Ichinose, Takuei Nishio, Shuta Nakajima and Yoshiro Takahashi
Sci. Adv. 1, e1500854 (2015.11.20)
"Optical spectral imaging of a single layer of a quantum gas with an ultranarrow optical transition"
Kosuke Shibata, Ryuta Yamamoto, Yu Seki, and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"High-Sensitivity In situ Fluorescence Imaging of Ytterbium Atoms in a Two-Dimensional Optical Lattice with Dual Optical Molasses"
Kosuke Shibata, Ryuta Yamamoto, and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"Strongly interacting array of Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in a one-dimensional optical lattice"
Makoto Yamashita, Shinya Kato, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Seiji Sugawa, Takeshi Fukuhara, Satoshi Uetake, and Yoshiro Takahashi
Phys. Rev. A 87, 041604(R) (2013.4.29)
"Control of Resonant Interaction between Electronic Ground and Excited States"
Shinya Kato, Seiji Sugawa, Kosuke Shibata, Ryuta Yamamoto, and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"Unconditional Quantum-Noise Suppression via Measurement-Based Quantum Feedback"
Ryotaro Inoue, Shin-Ichi-Ro Tanaka, Ryo Namiki, Takahiro Sagawa, and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"Observation of long-lived van der Waals molecules in an optical lattice"
Shinya Kato, Rekishu Yamazaki, Kosuke Shibata, Ryuta Yamamoto, Hirotaka Yamada, and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"An SU(6) Mott insulator of an atomic Fermi gas realized by large-spin Pomeranchuk cooling"
Shintaro Taie, Rekishu Yamazaki, Seiji Sugawa and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"Controlled Production of Subradiant States of a Diatomic Molecule in an Optical Lattice"
Yosuke Takasu, Yutaka Saito, Yoshiro Takahashi, Mateusz Borkowski, Roman Ciurylo, and Paul Julienne
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"Optical magnetic resonance imaging with an ultra-narrow optical transition"
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"Photoassociative production of ultracold heteronuclear ytterbium molecules"
Mateusz Borkowski, Roman Ciurylo, Paul S. Julienne, Rekishu Yamazaki, Hideaki Hara, Katsunari Enomoto, Shintaro Taie, Seiji Sugawa, Yosuke Takasu, and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"Interaction and filling-induced quantum phases of dual Mott insulators of bosons and fermions"
Seiji Sugawa, Kensuke Inaba, Shintaro Taie, Rekishu Yamazaki, Makoto Yamashita, and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"Realization of a SU(2)*SU(6) System of Fermions in a Cold Atomic Gas"
Shintaro Taie, Yosuke Takasu, Seiji Sugawa, Rekishu Yamazaki, Takuya Tsujimoto, Ryo Murakami, and Yoshiro Takahashi
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"High-resolution laser spectroscopy of a Bose-Einstein condensate using the ultranarrow magnetic quadrupole transition"
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"A scalable quantum computer with ultranarrow optical transition of ultracold neutral atoms in an optical lattice"
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"Simultaneous magneto-optical trapping of lithium and ytterbium atoms towards production of ultracold polar molecules"
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"Line shapes of optical Feshbach resonances near the intercombination transition of bosonic ytterbium"
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"Frequency stability measurement of a transfer-cavity-stabilized diode laser by using an optical frequency comb"
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"Quantum Degenerate Gases of Ytterbium Atoms"
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"Determination of the s-Wave Scattering Length and the C6 van der Waals Coefficient of 174Yb via Photoassociation Spectroscopy"
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"Topological formation of a multiply charged vortex in the Rb Bose-Einstein condensate: Effectiveness of the gravity compensation"
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"Spin-Singlet Bose-Einstein Condensation of Two-Electron Atoms"
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"High-Density Trapping of Cold Ytterbium Atoms by an Optical Dipole Force"
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